Taking Care
Resources for connection and self care for healthcare workers.

In addition to our stories page, our team at VCHI wanted to create a separate resource to support healthcare workers during these challenging times. Below is a collection of virtual supports and tools we found for health care workers to take a pause and take care of themselves. If you know of something not on our list, please email me below and we’ll get it added.
Virtual Support and Counseling
Virginia Community Response Network
Free assistance for front line healthcare professionals dealing with COVID-19 emotional trauma.
COVID Coach App
The VA National Center for PTSD has release a new app to "help you cope with stress, stay well, stay safe, stay healthy, stay connected, and navigate parenting, care-giving, and working from home while social distancing, quarantined, or sheltered in place."
Healthcare Work Support Group
WHEN: Every Tuesday at 5PM! Providing Healthcare Heroes with a safe place to discuss challenges & acquire mindfulness techniques to overcome the added stress of COVID-19. There is no cost to join the zoom call!
COVID-19 Group Support Virtual Meetings for All Medical Professionals and Healthcare Workers
Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-6:30PM EDT through the end of May 2020. Joseph Weiner MD, PhD will be facilitating complimentary Virtual Peer Support Groups. to all members of the healthcare team in New York and beyond during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Free Therapy to Medical Workers Fighting COVID-19 on TalkSpace
Medical workers get 1,000 months of free online therapy.
Articles and Resources
Guided Meditations for Healthcare Workers
The Innerwork Center in Richmond created a series of guided meditations from 3-30 minutes aimed to help healthcare workers reduce stress.
COVID-19 Responder Self-Triage
Use this form to check in with yourself each day.
Managing Healthcare Workers’ Stress Associated with the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak
From the National Center for PTSD
Resources for Healthcare Professionals Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic
Webinars and other resources from the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare
The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use
Issue brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Rethinking Behavioral Healthcare After the Pandemic
Article about the psychological impact of the pandemic with special attention to those serving on the front lines.