In an effort to better understand how Virginia performs in terms of delivering health value, and to determine how we can facilitate action for improvement where necessary, VCHI led the development of the Virginia Health Value Dashboard. The Virginia Health Value Dashboard was conceived as a strategy to prompt action for improving health value across the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Dashboard includes three broad aims for reducing low-value care, increasing high-value care, and improving the infrastructure for value-based care. The indicator sets for each aim were approved by consensus at a joint meeting of the VCHI Board and Leadership Council on June 28, 2024. Each year, VCHI considers additional measures to add to the Dashboard. Contact info@vahealthinnovation.org with any questions or comments.
By clicking on the tabs below, you can now view the Health Value Dashboard as follows:
Statewide One Page: An overview of all action and monitoring measures with three years of trend and archived indicators.
Immunizations: A view of all immunization measures by local health district compared to national goals. Trend data is under evaluation for further action.
Virginia Snapshot: A close-up on Virginia’s three-year trend data for all action and monitoring indicators.
Measure Overview: A look at the dashboard by measure with a descending ranking by health planning district.
District Profile: A view of all action and monitoring dashboard measures by health planning district.
Note: scroll down to see all the data presented within each tab.
The dashboard is based on dates of service for calendar years (CY) 2020-2022.
Data for all measures were obtained from the All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) except for Prevention Quality Indicator #90: Prevention Quality Overall Composite Rate (obtained from Virginia Patient Level Data System) and Improving Infrastructure for Value-Based Care measures under the ‘Claims in Virginia’s All-Payer Claims Database’ sub-category, which use a denominator obtained from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
All vaccination, cancer screening and diabetes care measures were created using Milliman Evidence Based Measures (EBM) version 2024C with measure end dates of 2020-12, 2021-12, and 2022-12.
All Low Value Services as captured by the MedInsight Health Waste Calculator measures were created using software version 8.
Area Deprivation Index (ADI) is based on a measure created by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) over two decades ago for primarily county-level use, but refined, adapted, and validated to the Census block group/neighborhood level by Amy Kind, MD, PhD and her research team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It allows for rankings of neighborhoods by socioeconomic disadvantage in a region of interest (e.g. at the state or national level). It includes factors for the theoretical domains of income, education, employment, and housing quality. It can be used to inform health delivery and policy, especially for the most disadvantaged neighborhood groups. More information on the ADI- https://www.neighborhoodatlas.medicine.wisc.edu/
Composite Ranking- Average ranking across all measures out of the 35 Virginia local health districts.